Bouquet “Celebration” is made of single colored alstroemerias. These flowers are admired because of their colors and the size of blossoms. An abundant small-flowered bouquet always looks joyous and colorful, and the leaves of alstroemeria perfectly replace the greenery. Long stems let the bouquet to look expressive and abundant. The color of alstroemerias may differ, however, we always choose the prettiest colors and combine a beautiful satin ribbon next to a bouquet.
Alstroemeria bouquet “Celebration”
€32.50 – €112.50
It is easy to brighten up someone’s day with alstroemerias because these flowers naturally look festive and sincere. Choose the desired amount of flowers and the single colored bouquet will become an unforgettable gift for your loved people.
We choose the color of the alstroemerias according to what we have in the store at the time of ordering.
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