A bouquet of red roses and eustomas is a unique way to greet a person. Red classic roses next to beautiful and non-traditional flowers as eustomas look very stylish and elegant. This flower bouquet is suitable for both men and women and could be used for many different occasions. The most important thing is to gift it deep from your heart. The bouquet of red roses and eustomas can consist of 9, 13 or 17 flowers, and the price of the bouquet depends on their quantity. If you have a flower color preference please inform us in advance. You can do this by ordering flowers or by calling a listed phone number. We try to make each bouquet look beautiful and somehow unique, so we wrap the flowers in translucent paper and decorate the overall composition with a brightly colored ribbon. The courier delivers your order to the specified address in Vilnius or to the nearby areas of it.
Bouquet of red roses and eustoma
€37.50 – €70.00
The combination of red roses and eustoma make this bouquet look extremely luxurious and exquisite. Giving it to your beloved girlfriend or mom will brighten your mood throughout the day.
There are 3 sizes to choose from.
The color of the flowers in the bouquet may vary.
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€45.00 – €128.50